Decoding the coded

Neha Chatterjee
3 min readOct 14, 2020

This is a story of the evolution of the brain to understand the revolution of time. A long time ago, when several countries were fighting World War II, a young boy was working on the S2 computing machine which led to a remarkable history in inventing World’s first commercial computer. He is none other than Sir Konrad Zuse. But is this segment about Zuse and his brilliance?

The answer is “No”. This segment is all about discovering the coding in the coding. In other words, decoding the coded coding. Confused! Let me simplify it for you.

From S2 computing to AI and whatever latest available, science and technology has achieved milestones so far. Everywhere one would hear the scientific and data science community discussing the latest technological trends. Nothing wrong though! Interdisciplinary research has proven to be a boon for the world and now we can see early detection of even cancer can be successfully done using AI. Thanks to technology, it is indeed a blessing to mankind.

Sometimes, my imagination drives me down to think a little deeper and then furthermore deeper and then I land into my mind’s core via its mantle (where mind=earth). This has made me think in a little different direction. I was just wondering isn't the process of life a coding-decoding process?

A single egg containing all the information from one individual fuses with the sperm containing all the information from a completely different individual to give rise to a unique individual. Now, you must be wondering where is coding-decoding here? See how beautifully the egg is coded with all the information which only has the capability to decode itself upon fusion with sperm or vice versa. As a result of this decoding, a new life comes into existence. Then again, the new individual’s egg/sperm undergoes coding to get decoded to give rise to another generation and this goes on. And the shocking part is that this coding-decoding job is done by cells that we cannot even see with our naked eyes!

Fibonacci series is one of the most remarkable findings in Mathematics. But is that only about mathematics? Do you know that Fibonacci numbers are expressed in nature as well? This seems to be a magic to me. For each and everything you see around you, there lie Fibonacci numbers. Branching of trees, the arrangement of leaves, the flowering of an artichoke, the elegant pine cone arrangements, fruit sprouting, hair curls, spider webs, beehives, and where not you will see this series. And not only here, but Fibonacci numbers are also an important aspect in modern-day coding too.

With so much in my mind, grabbing my cup of tea, I gazed at the sky. Being on the hills, I feel a little closer to the sky. Whenever I see a star and following it, another star and so on, I try figuring out whether do they too follow Fibonacci?

Though I am totally a Science and Technology person, still I sometimes wonder that has the nature coded everything for us to decode? How many more things will come up which apart from being highly technologically versatile still will fall in the trail of the nature?

PS. Tea is over. Gonna go back to work.

Hope you enjoyed this!

Till the next time, bye!!

